@James Mixon Face the music, brother. Nothing a woman says actually means what she says:
the wife told me "no valentine's gifts this year, too many holidays".
so what do i do, no gift for her but after i went for my walk guess what, a box of see's candies and a beautiful card.
now i feel like a ass.
@James Mixon Face the music, brother. Nothing a woman says actually means what she says:
my turning point: serving on a child abuse judicial case.
Attending the Remain Loyal to Jehovah convention in 2016 and watching the bunker and shunning dramatizations.
conversation with my 3yo this morning:.
me: hey, it's <friend in her nursery> birthday in a few days.
her: jehovah doesn't like birthdays.
@WingCommander Mama Wake Me is here - I'll take care of you.
Now drop your pants.
conversation with my 3yo this morning:.
me: hey, it's <friend in her nursery> birthday in a few days.
her: jehovah doesn't like birthdays.
Conversation with my 3yo this morning:
Me: You ready for school?
Him: Ja!
Me: How do you feel?
Him: Hap-py!
Me: Why?
Him: Caca.
...He'd sh*t his pants. Looks like Jehovah favors the wise and intellectual ones like your daughter, Pale.
just wondering if anyone has gone back to a meeting out of curiosity?
(perhaps to an area far from your old khall where you know no one).
with all the changes from 2012 onwards (videos, tv screens, new meeting format, new songs etc) it would be an odd experience to be in attendance!.
@stuckinarut2 I don't know... this guy kinda looks familiar to me (almost as much as that KINGDOM HALL, omg).
Do you recognize him?
my first impressions watching it, coming from a heterosexual male, was that it was just plain ridiculous (big surprise, i know), but i just want to share some thoughts as to why.. regarding the hypothetical scenario of two guys asking each other if they've ever woken up with an erection and other stuff like that: no, that would not arouse me.
i'm talking with a male, which i'm not sexually attracted to, and assuming he's a friend, it's just a casual conversation that i'm mature enough to handle.
the only way this is flirting (and then only maybe) is if one of us is gay.
This is the second night in a row I've had erotic dreams thanks to all this pillow talk. What WT has essentially done is say, "don't think of a pineapple".
What did y'all just think of now? A sexy pineapple. Admit it.
Thanks for all the tossing and turning I've been having lately, bro Bro.
i attended my first jw meeting recently.
first, i would like to say what i agree with about the jehovah's witnesses beliefs and practices.. 1. they don't consider israeli's as "god's chosen people" and they don't worship israel as some holy land filled with righteous jews (although there are some there) as most so-called "christians" (christian zionists) erroneously believe they are instead of the "hypocrites" and "vipers" that it is actually filled with.. 2. they don't celebrate "holidays" like easter and christmas which are, in fact, remnants of earlier pagan practices.. 3. they don't put nation before god and christ.
they don't believe in war or going to war because of some crazy government/cia secret agenda.
@bleak To see just how well Jehovah's Witnesses, I suggest listening in to the many phone calls this woman makes to Kingdom Halls or the JW headquarters and hear them flounder:
It's a bit disappointing and eerie to hear how programmed and switchboard-y these guys are when questioned about very important, yet basic, scriptures.
You may also find useful this list of questions a user named @Vanderhoven7 on this forum has put together on just how unscriptural and (oftentimes) ludicrous the man-made religious movement of Jehovah's Witnesses truly is:
"1. Is it biblical to say the sounding of the 7 trumpets introduced in Revelation 8: 1-7 got underway at a Bible Student convention in Cedar Point, Ohio in 1922? Is this fact found in the Bible? (so speculation???)
When the sounding of the seven trumpets got under way in 1922, the Bible Student convention at Cedar Point, Ohio, (Rev.8:7) featured a talk by the president of the Watchtower Society, J. F Rutherford, based on the scripture, ”The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand.” Revelation Its Grand Climax at Hand. p. 172
2. Is it biblical to say that the 144,000 were numerically complete in 1935? (No we don't believe that anymore). But you taught that for over 70 years till 2007! (so speculation???)
'Logically, the calling of the little flock would draw to a close when the number was nearing completion, and the evidence is that the general gathering of these specially blessed ones ended in 1935.' (Watchtower 1995 Feb 15 p.19)
3. Is it biblical to say that the Great Crowd of Revelation 7 was forming in 1935?
How do you know this? Is 1935 in the Bible? How was this information conveyed? How old are those conventioneers today...if the average age was 20 back then? How many have died not going through the tribulation?
The Watchtower had expressed the hope that a convention scheduled for May 30 to June 3, 1935, in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., would be “a real comfort and benefit” to those pictured by Jehonadab. And that it proved to be! In a stirring talk on “The Great Multitude,” delivered to about 20,000 conventioneers, J. F. Rutherford ... declared: “Behold! The great multitude!” There was a hush, followed by loud cheering.” Watchtower May 1, 2001 pp.14-15 “Behold! The Great Crowd"
4. Is it biblical to say that the apostle Peter ascended to heaven in the spring of 1918? (???) Is 1918 a biblical date? How do you know this? (so speculation???)
'In 1918 he (the apostle Peter) was resurrected to the heavens along with the other faithful members of Christ’s congregation who had died prior to that time.' WT Feb. 15, 1966 p. 123 Does Peter Now Use the Keys of the Kingdom?
5. Is it biblical to say that Jesus Christ concluded an investigative judgment in the fall of 1918?
Did that judgment result in Jesus rejecting every church on earth with the exception of your organization? (???)
How do you know this? Is this in the Bible?
'When Jesus came to God’s spiritual temple in 1918 for the purpose of judging men, Christendom was rejected.' The Watchtower, August 1, 1960, p. 462
6. Is it biblical to say that Jesus Christ appointed a Faithful and Discrete Slave at headquarters in Brooklyn New York in 1919? (???) How do you know this? Is this in the Bible? What were the names of those original selected ones? On what grounds were they selected? Do you know what the Bible Students were teaching and practicing in 1919?
'On arriving’ to inspect the slave in 1918, Christ found a spirit-anointed remnant of faithful disciples who since 1879 had been using this journal [the Watchtower] and other Bible-based publications to provide spiritual "food at the proper time." He acknowledged them as his collective instrument, or "slave," and in 1919 entrusted them with the management of all his earthly belongings.' Watchtower 2007 Apr 1 p.22
7. Is it biblical to say that people who saw the events of 1914 will be around to witness the introduction of a new system of things... and that God promised this?
'Most importantly, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new order before the generation that saw the events of 1914 C.E. passes away.' Awake Masthead 1982 – 1995
How could the 1914 generation logically be the the generation that does not pass away when the youngest of that generation are 103 or older today?
8. Is it biblical to say that God will destroy billions of people at Armageddon who do not believe that the organization of JWs is God's channel of communication and that it's leaders in New York collectively represent the Faithful and Discrete Slave Jesus spoke about?
'Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd", as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil.' (Watchtower, September 1, 1989 p. 19)"
[the following information is intended as a response to the leaked bethel video regarding masturbation.
if you are not aware of that video, please check it our before attempting to comment.].
masturbation is not sinful, unclean, or wicked.
@ttddtt You can bet where all that pain in my disfigured psyche led me...
Right back to the organization, exactly where the WT wanted me. Such a sick, little trap that incarcerates a person's mind, often for the rest of their life.
I'm so pleased to say that the suffering, manipulation, addiction and heartache I put myself through in my early twenties is what ultimately gave me the resilience, backbone and appreciation for who I am today. It's like I've been reborn.
Not Born Again.
Just given a second shot at consciousness at a level I would have never known existed without the past WT-induced lacerations to my soul.
[the following information is intended as a response to the leaked bethel video regarding masturbation.
if you are not aware of that video, please check it our before attempting to comment.].
masturbation is not sinful, unclean, or wicked.
@Mace.Bean: "...neurotic guilt--the feeling of guilt imposed by others when one has done nothing wrong--can lead to self sabotage, punishing oneself for perceived sins which are not sins at all, and actually cause symptoms of real physical and/or psychological illnesses, depression, etc."
When I lost my virginity outside of marriage, I was so psychologically shattered by what I'd done (what I'd done was have consensual sex when I was 22. Shock, horror). That was a turning point for my path of self-destruction. What good was I? I was damaged goods. Unclean. A used, dirty rag. A defiled woman who didn't deserve to ever get married because I wasn't "pure".
My guilt manifested itself in an array of ways. Heavy drug addiction, suicide attempts, a smorgasbord of risque sexual encounters week in, week out. I was a broken soul. And for the next whirlwind couple of years, I operated on only five different emotions:
If only I had the strength of character and clarity to understand the notion you put forth in this post back then. Things may have looked very different for me. Wise words to consider, and I encourage any young Witness who is at a tipping point with their lives to really take this in. This is the netting that will catch you when that JW thread you're hanging by does snap as you assimilate yourself into normal society.
ok , my wife and i have faded for a year and a half , i won't bore u with all the details but my wife just got confirmation that her sister got a visit some time ago saying we are marked and my sister also got the same visit in which we were described as dangerous, now for my wife , she has not spoken 1 bad word to anyone about the org apart from me (she woke me up ) the elders came around while i wasn't home and bailed her up but she said she wasn't comfortable talking to them without me there ,so the result ?......
let's do a round of all their friends and say shit about them because we can't df them but let's get them treated the same as if they were .... yeah yeah that's a good idea .... stupid mofos!
out to just wreck the reputation of any defectors from the org .
@stuckinarut2 and @Unstuck have retired for the night, but when they're up tomorrow, I'll get Stuck to chime in here and regal you with stories of the smear campaign his elders executed against him and his wife. The aftermath is even more disappointing - we're talking close friends whom Stuck and Unstuck have busted their asses for so selflessly over the years completely dropping them; crossing the streets to avoid them, turning their face the other way when driving by them on their quiet suburban street, and outright spitting vitriol at them when Stuck has offered to bring coffee to his former friends on cart witnessing duty.
Trust me, you and @I guess Im a Goat are in the honeymoon period right now. Things are about to get SO much more loving once you start bumping into/having encounters with your once-upon-a-BFFs. Happy days ahead, brother...